Those are produced from timber in custom made or standard measurements in requested sizes and models.
It is a wooden material placed under the products to prevent damage to the products during shipment, transportation, and storage and to make transportation and relocation easier. They add functionality to almost every stage of the transportation chain. The importance and place of logistics pallets in the storage and transportation of goods is undeniable.
Pallets are basically divided into two. The types of pallets can be classified as two-side entry and four-side entry. Two side entry pallets allow for forklift or pallet jack forks to enter in both sides and opposite directions. Four side entry patters allow for forklift or pallet jack forks to enter to pallet on its four directions.
Our company manufactures specially designed wooden pallets of different sizes according to the needs of our customers.
Our company largely produces product-specific palettes besides standard-sized palette production.