Our business agrees to comply with the operating principles set out in the following rules of conduct.
Fair Wages and Payments
Our business provides employees with the right to receive fair wages, normal and overwork payments per the laws and the social benefits defined for employees.
Prevention of Child Labor
Our business does not employ anyone below the legal minimum age limit. Provides special protection for all underage employees.
Prevention of Forced and Compulsory Labor
Our enterprise does not employ any person that is being forced with a contract, with force or involuntarily. It does not use of any form of slave, illegal or involuntary labor.
Ensuring Health and Safety
Our business provides a healthy and safe working environment by making risk assessments and taking all necessary measures to eliminate or reduce these risks.
Freedom of Organization and Respect for the Right to a Collective Agreement
Our business respects the rights of employees to form unions or other forms of labor associations.
Prevention of Discrimination
Our company does not discriminate against employees on the basis of race, color, language, origin, political opinion, marital status, age or gender, but employs them on the basis of their ability to do the job; it also provides equal opportunities and does not discriminate against employees by doing remunerations, social benefits, and support in line with this. Discipline / Prevention of Abuse and Harassment Our business aims to respect the personality and dignity of each employee, does not allow corporal punishment, and does not allow verbal, physical, or psychological harassment or coercion.
Determination of Working Hours
Our company complies with the applicable laws and obligations in determining the working hours and provides overtime hours on a voluntary basis.
Prevention of Environmental Pollution
Our business takes the necessary measures to comply with the environmental legislation in force,to prevent environmental pollution based on environmental effects and impact assesment, and to reduce the pollution at its source.
Ethical Business Behavior
Our business does not tolerate any form of corruption, fraud, embezzlement, or bribery. Relations with Supply Chain To evaluate the social compliance activities of the supplier companies it works with, to monitor the assessment results with action plans, and to gradually increase their social compliance levels,
Management System
It undertakes to carry out, maintain and continuously improve its social compliance, occupational health and safety, and environmental management activities under a management system that complies with applicable laws and regulations and customers' workplace codes of conduct